Into the Boreal
Tabitha boards the Polar Bear Express. She’s on her way to learn about Lake sturgeon research from a Cree biologist. Jack meanwhile learns about the elusive wolverine.

Disappearing Grasslands
Tabitha is on a night time stake out by a badger’s den, while Jack investigates Loggerhead shrike and their gruesome habit of impaling their prey.

Aquatic Haunts
Jack heads to Rondeau Park for a night-time stakeout, survivorman style, for the nocturnal Fowler’s toad. Tabitha meanwhile gets introduced to the perils of life as an American eel.

Shrinking forests
Jack and Tabitha are on a quest for the mysterious Green dragon. With no sign of dragons, Jack heads off to investigate a close relative -lizards. Meanwhile Tabitha discovers why everything was so secretive on this mission.

Vanishing Wetlands
Tabitha loves turtles and helps with a recovery effort. Meanwhile Jack heads to Algonquin Park to learn about research being done on the spotted salamander.

Shared Urban Spaces
Assigned to look in their own habitat to find species at risk, the team, with help from Charlie, discover the world of bats which leads to a surprising ending to the series.

Discovering the Slate Islands
On assignment to find out why forest dwelling Woodland caribou are a species at risk, Frankie and Tanner travel to Slate Islands Provincial Park in northern Ontario.

Tracking the Caribou
Frankie heads north to learn about habitat needs of caribou and gets introduced to “caribou cams.” Meanwhile Tanner learns more about caribou ecology.

Sharing the Forest
Frankie and Tanner head into the boreal to learn about modern forestry practises.
They start to realize that the boreal provides for many species, including humans.

On the Heels of Predators
It’s time to learn about the Woodland caribou’s predators. While Frankie flies north on a quest to learn about wolves, Tanner gets introduced to the micro-predators.

Seeking Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge
Tanner travels to north to meet a Cree elder who introduces him to his people’s relationship with caribou. Frankie meets a wildlife ecologist and learns how data is used to model the habitat needs of caribou.

CSI to the Rescue
In the heart of the boreal in winter, Frankie and Tanner help gather caribou pellets. Later, at a forensic lab, they learn how “caribou poop” is helping in the recovery of
Woodland caribou.

Discovering the World of Biodiversity
Jesse and Seka must come up with a science project on biodiversity, their choice – a local wetland destined for destruction.

Sampling Life Forms in an Urban Wetland
Jesse and Seka learn how to use their senses to help them discover the incredible biodiversity in their wetland.

Understanding Classification Systems
Jesse and Seka learn about different ways of classifying life forms and discover that
classification is something that we do all the time.

Learning about Microorganisms
Jesse and Seka meet a scientist who introduces them to the world of slimy algae, useful bacteria and millions of other microorganisms

Understanding Adaptation
Jesse and Seka pay another visit to their wetland where they learn how species have
adapted to living there.

Presentation of Findings
Jesse and Seka present their findings about the wetland to members of city council, their teacher and fellow students.

Mission Possible
An accident sparks an investigation that leads Jasmine and Sam into the wild world of species at risk. The duo will stop at nothing to uncover the facts.

Alien Invaders
Bizarre things are happening and it’s up to the Incredible World Investigators to find out why. Sam and Jasmine’s first clue leads them to the home of a young boy whose favourite tree is under attack by aliens.

Monarch Butterfly
Metamorphosis of a Monarch butterfly

Gray Ratsnake
The habitat needs and threats facing the Gray ratsnake – a species at risk

Snapping Turtle
A female snapping turtle laying eggs, to the emergence of the young turtles in the fall.

Green Heron
The secretive life of Little Green herons

Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre
Injured turtles being taken care of at the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre

A Turtle Project
Students conducting research on the Blanding’s turtle – a threatened species in Ontario

Building an Eagle Nest
Members of the Leeds County Stewardship Council help bring bald eagles back to eastern Ontario

Peregrine Recovery
Canadian Peregrine Foundation and the Leeds County Stewardship Council cooperated on the first of five releases of peregrine falcon chicks in Leeds County in eastern Ontario.

Dr. David V. Beresford, Assistant Professor of Biology, Trent University

Forensic Scientist
Dr. Paul Wilson, Canada Research Chair in DNA Profiling

Research Scientist
Dr Brent Paderson, Trent University, Environmental Life Sciences

Wildlife Biologist
Dr. Jennifer Shuter, Wildlife Research Analyst, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.