Shrinking Forests
When Jack learns that their next assignment involves a mysterious green dragon in a secret location, he’s out the door with Tabitha close behind. after an hour”of hiking and no sign of dragons the two run into a field researcher who informs them that they are nearly standing on it. Disappointed that it is only a plant, Jack heads off to investigate lizards. Meanwhile Tabitha, fascinated by plants, discovers why everything was so secretive on this mission. Back at home, Tabitha applies her new insights to her backyard project.

Into the Boreal
Tabitha boards the Polar Bear Express. She’s on her way to learn about Lake sturgeon research from a Cree biologist. Jack meanwhile learns about the elusive wolverine.

Disappearing Grasslands
Tabitha is on a night time stake out by a badger’s den, while Jack investigates Loggerhead shrike and their gruesome habit of impaling their prey.

Aquatic Haunts
Jack heads to Rondeau Park for a night-time stakeout, survivorman style, for the nocturnal Fowler’s toad. Tabitha meanwhile gets introduced to the perils of life as an American eel.

Shrinking forests
Jack and Tabitha are on a quest for the mysterious Green dragon. With no sign of dragons, Jack heads off to investigate a close relative -lizards. Meanwhile Tabitha discovers why everything was so secretive on this mission.

Vanishing Wetlands
Tabitha loves turtles and helps with a recovery effort. Jack reluctantly accepts a snake assignment that takes him to a major highway development in Windsor, Ontario.

Shared Urban Spaces
Assigned to look in their own habitat to find species at risk, the team, with help from Charlie, discover the world of bats which leads to a surprising ending to the series.